Fireside Chat · Motherhood

Fireside Chats with Anna-Christmas time is here-


img_2768I have to be honest I never thought Christmas or the season really from Thanksgiving to new years would live up to my childhood joy. Boy was I wrong! We are not materialistic at this time like every commercial wants to project. Starting about 2 weeks before Thanksgiving this year my Daughter started asking when we were going to Christmas town for our annual family trip! She wanted to know when we were going to bake cookies, watch movies together(and by together I mean my parents,oldest brother,various cousins, and a host of kids!), and if she could pick a child off of the angel tree.

Now if this sounds a little Hallmarky (that’s a word right?!) hold back your gag and let me explain; My parents never wanted my siblings and I to forget what we set this time of year a part for, so they made it way more about the time spent than the gifts received. When My husband and I found out we were going to have our first baby this was something we decided to model.

My kids are kids, don’t get me wrong they want everything on the commercials, they swear they will clean their room, and there are real tears when I say toys are going to go to the garage if not cleaned up! And this mama doesn’t joke! Toys are not an entitlement, they’re a privilege to be taken care of (Yup I want responsible children, go figure!).

However this year was exciting, as I realized my children understand even though Jesus was not born in December, this is a time when hearts are more open to the love of our Savior. My children are ecstatic to sing in our church program to share the good news that Jesus is not still in the manger, it makes this Mama’s heart warm when I see my children more excited about the people they will spend time with than the things they could receive!

I hope your week is full of love friends and family,


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